
Chia Seeds *Organic & Raw*

(1 customer review)


SKU: CHA-SED Categories: ,

Chia seeds, Salvia hispanica, are an extremely healthy seed for the human body! Native to Mexico, these seeds were a staple food source for the Aztecs.

These are considered a ‘super food’ in modern health-food communities due to their extremely rich amount of Omega Fatty acids, vitamins & minerals and their amino acid profile.


***These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ***

1 review for Chia Seeds *Organic & Raw*

  1. leafmonger (verified owner)

    The healthiest of fibers and oils, ground/mashed makes the grooviest cooking additive, beautiful spirit to dwell with and good for long hikes to your chosen path.

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