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Lobelia Inflata *Wild Harvested*

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)


One possible use is in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. As and expectorant and anti-asthmatic Lobelia can help dilate the air ways of ones body and assist in clearing mucous from congested lungs!

Lobelia also contains lobeline which also works on the same receptors effected by nicotine. This is why Lobelia has been used for years as a means to reduce nicotine cravings, and has helped people quit smoking.

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Lobelia Inflata


Lobelia has an interesting history of use by the Native Americans. The Crow would use Lobelia in rituals, and to the Pawnee and Mesquaki, Lobelia played an important part in love magic! The Penescot used the plant to cause sweating and induce vomiting to drive out evil spirits, and smoked the herb to improve clarity, and induce relaxation. During the 1980’s the FDA banned the use of Lobelia,even though there were no reported toxic effects, or deaths! Instead the FDA based their decision from a poisonous plant book that falsely claimed Lobelia as dangerously toxic! Farther studies, however, relieved that a person would have to consume 4 pounds of Lobelia to effectively poison their self! Since Lobelia has the effect of causing vomiting, it is not believed that one could even consume the amounts required to actually hurt themselves.

There are many medicinal uses for Lobelia that require mixing it with other plants, or extracting active compounds. For an experienced herbalist Lobelia is a must have, and for those that aren’t as experienced Lobelia has a few uses still! One possible use is in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. As and expectorant and anti-asthmatic Lobelia can help dilate the air ways of ones body and assist in clearing mucous from congested lungs! Lobelia also contains lobeline which also works on the same receptors effected by nicotine. This is why Lobelia has been used for years as a means to reduce nicotine cravings, and has helped people quit smoking. Lobelia also has a long history of medicinal use in extracts, essential oils, and in combination with other herbs to treat a verity of health conditions; however, dosing Lobelia can be tricky. If overused Lobelia can cause nausea and vomiting! If used wisely Lobelia can be a great plant and lend its energy to any who seek it!


Health Benefits and Uses:


Nicotine Cravings: Lobelia has been traditionally smoked to reduce the cravings of nicotine. Aided by its active constituent, lobeline, it can help you quite smoking!

Bronchitis and Asthma: Lobelia has been used for years to reduce the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis by opening air ways and clearing mucous from the lungs and throat.

Medicines: There are many natural medicinal qualities of Lobelia that can only be accessed by combining it with other healing plants, or making oils and extracts. Because of its strength one must be careful of use. To a trained herbalist Lobalia can be really useful, but with a little research it is possible to find other ways the healing powers of Lobelia can be accessed by you!


Preparations and Dosage:


Smoke Blend(To help quit or regulate Nicotine use): Lobelia can be smoked by itself, or mixed with other herbs to aid in the reduction of nicotine cravings. We sell many other herbs that could possibly be used in a smoke blend. The tinctured form of Lobelia can also be used to reduce craving without the need of smoke(this may be preferable to those who’s smoking habits are strong). It is important to keep in mind to not smoke too much or take too much tincture, because over consumption can cause nausea and or vomiting, so use the smallest amount and work up to a comfortable level.

Asthma and Bronchitis: In the treatment of asthma and bronchitis Lobelia is very useful! For the best results a tincture of extract is preferable. Only a few drops at a time until symptoms subside is required. If over used tincture may cause nausea and vomiting.

Tincture Recipe: Lobelia is one of the plants that is most traditionally tinctured with vinegar. A vinegar and alcohol half and half split is preferred. Take a ratio of 1 part dried Lobelia and add to 5 parts(total) vinegar and alcohol. That is, for example, 1 ounce of plant mater to 5 ounces of vinegar and alcohol( 2 and 1/2 ounces of vinegar, and 2 and 1/2 ounces of alcohol). Place the plant matter into the jar, then add the liquid. Make sure to fill the jar completely! Any space between the liquid and cap may result in spoilage! Let stand for 6 weeks and your tincture is ready!

Side Note: When preparing vinegar tinctures metal caps on bottles my rust. For this reason it is preferable to use corked bottles, or place wax paper between the cap and bottle.


Side Effects and Precautions:

Lobelia should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding woman.

One should be very careful and respectful when using Lobelia. Too much can cause nausea and vomiting!



***These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ***

2 reviews for Lobelia Inflata *Wild Harvested*

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    mr29erss (verified owner)

    This herb works great, really helped me while I was sick with my breathing and asthma. Other family members were sick with same illness and they used prescriptions, I was better in half the time with this herb. Once you find a suitable dosage, which is easier with a liquid, this herb is amazing.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Nick (verified owner)

    Really useful herb! I am sick right now, and I am also using this herb as we speak haha. Its really helping me breath better. Thanks!

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