*This is the same White Sage as our Leaf Clusters, but this is the broken leaf bits instead of the clusters attached to stems. This is a great for burning with charcoal or for dropping onto fire as well.
White Sage (Salvia apiana) is a sacred herb native to Southwestern US and Mexico.
We are very proud to have this plant available to you all, it holds a special place in the Eternity in a Box heart!
This herb’s foliage and seeds were consumed by natives as a food source. But the main application of White Sage Leaf is burning the dried plant material as an incense in a ritualistic context.
Referred to commonly as ‘smudging’, White Sage is asked to help cleanse the energy of a space, and is then burnt. The smoke is directed through the room or unto a person by the person holding the burning leaf. This is very effective at cleaning the space if used respectfully and with strong intentions of harmony. Feel the love and wish for only positivity to here…and it will be so 🙂
This is a great herb to have around, and is more profound for me every time I work with it. A powerful tool and such a blessing!
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