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Panax Ginseng Extract 20% *Organic*

(1 customer review)


SKU: PAN-GIN-EXT Categories: , , ,

We are excited to be able to offer to our customers, a 20% Panax Ginseng extract which has been extracted using natural/organic methods!

We sampled this extract recently and were blown away by the quality!! At .2g the effects were very pronounced, providing additional concentration, a boost to perceptual stimulus processing, a boost of energy as well as a sense of peace 🙂 It is not recommended to start with more than .2g, perhaps for some who are less sensitive to the effects closer to .5 or maybe even 1g per day would be good…But please start slow first! We were all surprised at how strong this extract was.


20% designates that the active compounds make up 20% of the total weight of this extract, which is quite profound. 1g of this extract will contain 200mg of Ginsenosides, which are the compounds responsible for Ginsengs energizing and adaptogenic properties 🙂


Our Ginseng extract is a powder and is very easy to work with. Just a small amount can be added to a glass of warm water to make a tea, or it can also be encapsulated for convenient consumption 🙂


***These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ***

1 review for Panax Ginseng Extract 20% *Organic*

  1. Rom Zong Po (verified owner)

    This is the best ginseng I have sampled thus far. Increases Qi, has many subtle and complex action effects on the glandular/endocrine system. Focus. Attention. Awakens fire in the core, a warm fire, not overbearingly hot. I read somewhere that gineosides have a re-structuralizing effect on damaged neurons. Interesting. Many complex actions as I said before. Good for moderating blood sugar and toning insulin sensitivity. Definitely anti-fatigue. Helps with transition from stimulants and some plants etc. Mild but profound as well as abidingly present psycho-stimulatory effect. Good for meditation and martial arts. Goes well with Gotu Kola. Seems to help the stomach. I usually take .4 – .5 in warm water in the morning. Sometimes after imbibing said potion I eat a spoonful or 3 of raw honey. This is most pleasing. Lastly; panax ginseng is supposed to be quite synergistic with schisandra chinensis in multiple ways also conferring additive and exponentially potentiative benefits to each-other in an herbal alchemy (occuring within the retort of thy body). I have taken these together and can indeed verify. These two plants seem to complement yin for yang in an exceedingly auspicious manner 🙂

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