So it turns out our Morning Glory seeds are a unique and somewhat rare species…!
We were originally told Ipomoea Tricolor, which is what we were seeking, and what the Aztecs used traditionally for magic and spirit work.
I was quite disappointed to find out that these are not I. tricolor…but after researching the strain which we have obtained, which is Ipomoea Palmata (also known as I. cairica), I am now very fascinated!
This is a teacher plant which is not well documented…may or may not have traditional use in shamanism.
We are very interested to get some feedback from anyone who has purchased these! We haven’t had any complaints and we’ve sold quite a bit of these seeds already, but i haven’t heard any specific review of the seeds either.
We will be getting I. Tricolor soon as well. But for now, it is an exciting venture to be on a ‘new frontier’ of sorts…we have the opportunity to get to know a new teacher, and document its lessons!
Amazing how a stressful conundrum can become a beautiful opportunity!
Have a great day guys! 🙂