Poem of the Day: Modern Upbringing

Poem of the Day time…! This poem is a social satire pointing out corporate and industrial saturation of our culture. Seems fitting for this time of year, with consumerism at its peak! hehe

Title: Modern Upbringing

We’re done potato-sack racing,
The Brady Bunch is long since cancelled
There is no more harmless family fun…

Our agendas are much too certain,
For any aimless acts.
And yet the paths of our agendas point
Toward meanderism,
But quite a conformed form of such.
For we all know band-wagon tactics
Foster greater yields.

Our sociocultural landscapes have evolved.

Fit the tuxes for the toddlers,
For they’ll need them,
Soon enough.
Bathe the children in goal-orientation.

Purity & Childhood Innocence are
So 19th Century.
Out with the Old,
In with the New.

No need to explain beauty & contentment
To young ones.
They need to learn how to grasp the
Corporate ladder, ASAP.
And when you tire (of) explaining industrial fundamentalism,
Let them watch TV.

written 3/3/07 by me, Eternity Zach 😀

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